Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quebec pension fund forced to dump $10-billion worth of shares into plunging markets

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, hammered by losses on international holdings, has been forced in recent weeks to sell billions of dollars of stocks into a falling market.

A fund that began the year with $155.4-billion of assets has sold $10-billion of stocks in the past two months, sources said.

Canada's biggest pension fund needed cash to shore up or shut down money-losing positions in areas such as currency hedging and derivatives, along with international real estate and private equity. Part of the problem, sources said, is that the fund's hedging strategy was sideswiped by the recent fall in the Canadian dollar.

"The Caisse is dumping stock into a collapsing market, so losses are no longer just on paper, they've been realized," said one executive familiar with the fund's operations.

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