Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Toronto startups make the home-buying process easier

Buying a house in Toronto is something I haven't cared to learn about until now. Sure, it's great to be educated about the home-buying process, but for me it was always depressing to learn about the sky-high condo prices downtown, where I want to eventually buy a property. So instead of researching mortgage rates and figuring out the difference between pre-construction and resale properties, I've been renting in ignorant bliss, slowly saving up for the elusive down payment.

This spring when I realized that by George, I might actually have enough to buy a place this decade, I set out to learn as much as I could about the home-buying process. While researching, I discovered a couple Toronto-based startups that are making buying a home a simple process for potential buyers, both pre- and post-purchase.

Canada Properties News

Canadian Mortgage News

Canada Properties

Canada Real Estate Articles